Jossip, David Hauslib’s Gawker manque, which he started in 2003 while a J-school student at Syracuse University (not sure what that says about Syracuse’s J-school), went...
Oh geez, it’s been ages since I had to write about CNBC’s monster catfights and blow-ups. Seriously, they must have slipped some sedatives into Rick Santelli...
Ever dream this man? If you say yes, you’re probably lying or in on the joke. Or you are easily influenced. Something. Because if the mysterious website isn’t...
Some of the greatest unsolved mysteries have to wait 50 years before they’re revealed. That’s what Snopes is for. Sure, we still don’t know where Hoffa’s body is...
Jay Leno is slipping. Good. I mean, sure he didn’t screw any of his interns, but he is still the worst and at least this proves that...
Gawker published a dissection of Matt Drudge’s priorities news-wise and I was reminded of some research I once did on Drudge’s early forays into spreading his brand of...
Some of the shwag we’ve already got for the auction, after the jump. If you have anything AWESOME that you’re donating and you want people to...