News A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT January 13, 2009 Dear ASSME Membership, What a month we’ve had! The Holiday Party was a fantastic success, collecting 77...
Not to sound crass or anything, but when you work from home, it becomes increasingly harder to figure out a schedule for personal hygiene. Sure, I’ve...
What’s really happening at OK! magazine, you ask? The celebrity tabloid weekly, which has been lopping staff members and is expected to fire many more this week, is said...
Found via Reddit – could this be the new Montauk Monster? UPDATE: Shortly after we linked to it, the owner of this video made it private! The plot grows...
Twitter tends to just keep proving that it is a vehicle for the promotion and/or furtherance of mass stupidity. That was well-illustrated on July 12/13, 2009....
Twitter and Hotmail have been blocked across mainland China, with the twitterverse up in arms that over a billion people are tweetless and that there’s actually...
We first posted the original RickRoll video above, but the one you see now ultimately seemed like a better choice. Ah, yes, the power of Twitter....
PX This founder and mysterious hottie (and Gawker nemesis) Abbe Diaz sent along this little job listing for a P/T PR person for a restaurant group she’s consulting...
The hipster hot-spot under the JMZ, Market Hotel, is facing allegations via mass email about the venue being raided and condemned by cops. Even worse, according...
Nidal Malik Hasan UPDATE, 8:20 p.m.: Sources tell the Associated Press that Nidal Malik Hasan came “to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that...